To our valued Art of Sauna customers,

In these uncertain times, we wanted to reach out to you to let you know Art of Sauna and Spa is taking COVID-19 extremely seriously and has put measures in place to ensure the safety of our customers. We are confident that with our combined efforts to be extra diligent during this time, everyone can continue to stay healthy in the facility and enjoy their time here.

Our plans 

  • The sauna/steam rooms will be open to the public in 4-time blocks during the day, the first time will be 10:00am then 1:00pm, 4:00pm and 7:00pm. This is to pace out the number of clients we are having in the facility during a 3-hour time slot.
  • We are increasing our cleaning and disinfecting efforts in the facility but in order to do this we will be closed from 3:00pm till 4:00pm everyday to turn off the sauna/steam rooms and give them a generous sanitizing.
  • We have advised all staff members to wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Particularly after going to the washroom, before and after treating a client and after blowing their nose.
  • All staff members have been advised to stay at home if they are not well. We will try our best to arrange another therapist to take the appointment, but we cannot guarantee it.
  •  Any water bottles, drinks or personal items that may have bodily fluids, such as saliva, on it will be thrown out.

Your cooperation in following the below practices is greatly appreciated!

  • Hand washing is your best self-defence against the spread of germs.
  • Please stay home if you are not feeling well, especially if you have a fever, are coughing, sneezing or are experiencing shortness of breath. If a client shows up with any of these symptoms, please don’t be offended but our staff will politely ask you to leave.
  • Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing and dispose of it in the trash bin.

With staff and customer health education and safety practices being adhered to we can maintain a healthy environment for all amidst this global health issue.