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Opening Hours

Mon - Sun: 10AM - 9PM. Closed Wednesday.


When in the sauna you may wonder – why are these people wearing this weird hats?

You know already that sauna is good for you. It helps you to detoxify and lose weight through sweating. It also helps to reduce stress and relax but these are only few of sauna benefits. One of them also is using a sauna hat during your sauna session.

Sauna hat benefits

The temperature in the sauna may be up to 90 degrees Celsius and your head is most exposed to the heat when staying inside. It heats up faster than the rest of the body and you have the feeling of being overheated. This may also be one of the reasons you can barely make it few minutes and you rush to run out and cool off. Therefore you may feel dizzy, also your hair can get excessively dry and brittle. So, the sauna hat comes to the rescue here!

[bctt tweet=”When your head is protected by felt or wool hat it allows you to remain longer in the sauna and maximize benefits of using it. ” username=”artofsauna”]The felt hat is a great insulator. It keeps the air inside at a constant temperature around your head. It also prevents your hair being damaged by heat.

As you see the sauna hat is an essential factor to get a perfect heat. Cool felt hats are available at the front desk at Art of Sauna. We carry sauna hats for those brave who do not fear Avant Garde look and hats for those less brave who only care to protect themselves from overheating. They can be rinsed and dried afterwards and should last a lifetime. Remember to buy your hat before your sauna session. Make that investment to protect your head and hair, and enjoy our Spa with access to 8 saunas from all around the globe in Burnaby, only 20 minutes from Vancouver!