Sauna is so old and yet so new for many. Also known as ‘bath house’, sauna has been around for centuries and has been interpreted in many ways, used by people and animals.
Every day we are exposed to high levels of consumer, industrial and agricultural toxins that the human organism never evolved to handles, as mentions Dr. Joseph Pizzorno in his book The Toxin Solution.
Turkish Bath term can also be referred to Hammam Room.For packages and price list refer here. Imagine your whole body covered in a special olive oil bubble foam. You might
Sauna is so old and yet so new for many. Also known as ‘bath house’, sauna has been around for centuries and has been interpreted in many ways, used by people and animals.
Now that summer is coming to an end and many start or go back to college and high school, intense preparations take place to look better, including loads of conventional acne solutions and cosmetics to burn, make magically disappear overnight or to mask.
Every day we are exposed to high levels of consumer, industrial and agricultural toxins that the human organism never evolved to handles, as mentions Dr. Joseph Pizzorno in his book The Toxin Solution.
Every day we are exposed to high levels of consumer, industrial and agricultural toxins that the human organism never evolved to handles, as mentions Dr. Joseph Pizzorno in his book The Toxin Solution.
Every day we are exposed to high levels of consumer, industrial and agricultural toxins that the human organism never evolved to handles, as mentions Dr. Joseph Pizzorno in his book The Toxin Solution.
When was the last time you thoroughly scrubbed your body? No, seriously, I mean when was the last time the brush bristles or exfoliating glove reached your back?
AIR QUALITY ADVISORY Right now in the lower mainland we are experiencing air quality advisory in effect due to the wildfires that are rapidly spreading and increasing throughout BC. Halotherapy