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Opening Hours

Mon - Sun: 10AM - 9PM. Closed Wednesday.

Detoxification Through Sweating

The ways for toxins to be cleansed out of the body are called detox pathways. These pathways are through the kidneys, liver, lungs, colon and skin. There are numerous ways to cleanse all of these organs of the body. Regular sauna sessions benefit the skin and the other detox pathways too. At Art of Sauna the Eucalpytus Steam Room and Aroma Steam Room use essential oils combined with heat to assist the lungs in cleansing and healing. So when in a steam room, both the lungs and the skin are actively expelling toxins.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Using a sauna is both rejuvenating and meditative at the same time. Its important to drink plenty of fluids and electrolytes during and after using the sauna, this will keep the body’s energy levels up and keep the Zen feeling going. Using a sauna without keeping up the fluids and electrolytes may cause a depletion of minerals and lack of energy. Staying hydrated gives one an uplifted mood and a meditative state of mind.

Beautifying for the Skin

One of the most common benefits people observe after sauna use is how bright and alive their skin looks! Regular sauna use is best. Going once will make the skin look great for a few days or a week, but going regularly can do wonders! Many people notice that regular sauna sessions tighten the skin and create lasting positive changes in the skin.

Weight Loss and Cellulite Reduction

Sweating out toxins means getting rid of unwanted chemicals and heavy metals that accumulate in fat tissues. The innate knowledge of the body is amazing, the body knows to store toxins in the safest place and fat cells are the safest place. As a person lowers their toxic load, the amount of fat cells are reduced.

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